Re: [花邊] 勇士記者:因圍巾而設置兩套戰術是不現

作者: EQUP (不怒師兄)   2021-11-17 14:21:03
※ 引述《mingonly (Body health)》之銘言:
: 勇士記者:因圍巾而設置兩套戰術是不現實的
: 勇士隨隊記者Anthony Slater上了Zach Lowe的直播節目,聊到了Wiggins不打疫苗的問
: 題
: When asked about the Warriors starting small forward,Steph said the organiza
: tion would have to “adjust accordingly” if he remains adamant. It’s one t
: hing to get questions from the media, but when your teammates start to lose
: patience, it’s terrible news. What does “adjust accordingly” mean? Tradin
: g Andrew Wiggins.
: 當被問及勇士隊的小前鋒先發時,Curry說如果他堅持(不打疫苗)的話,球隊會進行相應
: 的調整,但當你的隊友開始失去耐心時,這是可怕的訊息。那相應的調整是什麼意思?
: 交易Wiggins。
: “That’s where I think it’s getting with the Warriors. “You’re either in
: or you’re out.” You gotta declare on this season. And if you’re out they
: have to readjust plans. Not just to point of on road games they’ll have An
: drew Wiggins, on home games they’ll not. That’s just not tenable. They’re
: gonna have to probably shop him, to be honest with you.
: 如果不接種疫苗Wiggins就無法出戰勇士新賽季的主場比賽,也無法隨隊前往相關防疫規
: 定的城市打客場。 而這會帶給勇士一個難題,要為主客場設置2套戰術,一套是有Wigg
: ins的,一套沒有,這根本不現實。說實話,他們不得不把他交易掉
: He could play for 27 other teams, like all 82 games, which is a weird part o
: f this scenario. Not only could he just play; they could technically trade h
: im to the Clippers and he could play on opening night in Chase Center for th
: e Clippers, even though he cannot play for the Warriors.
: 而Wiggins其實可以為聯盟其他的27支球隊打所有的比賽(除籃網、尼克、勇士之外),
: 從技術層面來說,勇士可以把Wiggins交易到快艇,就算他不能為勇士效力,但Wiggins
: 可以跟著快艇來到勇士主場打球。
作者: playerunknow (playerunknown)   2021-11-17 14:43:00
作者: Eyeshield212 (反應有點快)   2021-11-17 15:36:00
Poole打這樣已經超乎預期了吧 可以啦

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