mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2021-12-25 12:43:55you got a triple-double – 16 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists – which generally
is a good thing for your team. You guys are 30-1 when you do that. Heck, Golden
State is 24-5 the past two seasons when you simply score 10 points or more. Sho
uldn’t you be looking to score more? Just a little?
Eh, honestly, the reality is this: When Kevin [Durant] came here, I had to make
a decision. And the decision for me was, I can continue to shoot the same shots
I’ve been shooting, at the same rate I’ve been shooting ‘em, and it will take
us a lot longer to figure this thing out. Or I can sacrifice my shots to get ev
erybody else involved and do all the other things that need to be done to make s
ure this team can be successful. I made the decision right away that I would be
the one to sacrifice shots – I didn’t want Klay Thompson doing that, I didn’t
want Steph Curry doing that and I didn’t want Kevin coming in, having to figur
e out how to play any other way than what he was comfortable playing. So that we
nt on for three years.
老實說事情是這樣的,當年杜蘭特加盟我們的時候,我不得不做出犧牲。 我當然可以出手
讓Curry還有KT這樣做,當然也不想讓杜蘭特以他不擅長的方式打球。 因此,這種情況持
The reality is, scoring is a mindset. It’s a mentality. When you’ve totally sh
ut that off for three years, it’s not as simple as people may think to just tur
n it back on. Iamworking to make sure that mindset is more constant. I’m work
ing to make sure that’s a nightly mentality. But it doesn’t just happen overni
ght. It’s a total mindset you have to change. And like with anything else in li
fe, that takes a while. So I think I’m getting there. I’m getting back comfort
able with doing it. But it’s a process.
前我正試圖重新打開得分的開關,但這需要一些時間,你必須全面的改變自己。 總而言之
作者: mumimumimumi 2021-12-25 12:47:00
作者: william82111 2021-12-25 12:49:00
他以前進攻不只及格好嗎 一線球星等級的不過也是因為浪花吸怪就是了啦
作者: LatteCat5566 (拿鐵貓56) 2021-12-25 15:16:00
KD來 連KOBE都要讓出手 嘴綠想太多了
作者: PTThotspring (溫泉) 2021-12-25 15:45:00
作者: mumimumimumi 2021-12-25 15:58:00
記得某年季後賽咖喱k湯烙賽嘴綠拿了30+ 那年應該是生涯進攻巔峰雖然只會快攻跟空檔三分 但至少能把握機會反正只要能做到被放空檔能命中就及格
作者: lbhwtcts4169 (marble701) 2021-12-25 19:04:00
16年蠻常看到他pick&pop 但你說犧牲..?
作者: Hohenzollern 2021-12-25 19:44:00
2016球季嘴綠很準啦 之後才開始打鐵沒人防守
作者: pbrotherbala 2021-12-25 20:26:00
笑死,為什麼一堆人拿這幾年的表現來比,他明明就在講 15 16 年的事
作者: narumi150729 (narumi) 2021-12-25 23:01:00