arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2021-12-28 15:40:18Fizdale:湖人五連敗中的美妙之處是灰燼中崛起的領導力,球員不會互相指責
David Fizdale said the only "beauty" in the Lakers' 5-game losing streak has bee
n the "leadership that's rising up from the ashes of this," which he called "som
ething to marvel at."
He credited LeBron, Russ, AD, and Melo for keeping the group focused "without po
inting fingers."
Fizdale:湖人隊 5 連敗的唯一美妙之處就是“從灰燼中崛起的領導力”,這是令人驚嘆的
Fizdale稱讚LBJ、龜龜、AD 和甜瓜讓全隊保持專注,“沒有互相指責”。