[外絮] 微笑刺客不同意現今球風太軟:我們的時

作者: arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)   2022-01-16 19:04:16
Much has been made of how today’s NBA would pale in comparison to the physical
nature of the game many decades ago. Many believe that today’s superstars such
as LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers and Kevin Durant of the Brooklyn Nets
just would not be able to withstand the physicality of the 1980s or the 1990s. M
ore than a few folks have even gone on to say that today’s NBA has become compl
etely soft.
,像是LBJ和KD是無法承受1980年代或 1990年代NBA的對抗強度的,甚至不只一些人表示現
Hall of Fame point guard Isiah Thomas begs to differ. In the mind of the Detroit
Pistons icon, he firmly believes that it’s actually quite the opposite. Accord
ing to Thomas, his era would have completely struggled to contain the likes of L
eBron and KD:
根據微笑刺客的說法,他的時代將難以完全限制LBJ和 KD 之類的球員:
“We would have no shot at guarding Kevin Durant or LeBron James in the post, in
the triple post,” Thomas said in a recent appearance on The ETCs with Kevin Du
rant podcast (h/t Sam Leweck of Lakers Daily). “We’d have no shot. We just wou
ldn’t unless we came and double-teamed and fouled you hard.”
This is Isiah Thomas who’s speaking here and this man was the heart and soul of
the Bad Boys Pistons of the 80s/90s. He definitely knows a thing or two about f
ouling hard so you better believe him what he’s trying to point out with his st
atement above.
在這裡發言的是微笑刺客,這個人是 80 年代/90 年代壞孩子活塞隊的核心和靈魂。他肯定
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2022-01-16 19:05:00
作者: ABuJiuHaoBun (新資料夾(2))   2022-01-16 19:07:00
他誰 有nba板鄉民懂防守嗎?
作者: mumimumimumi   2022-01-16 19:14:00
確實 嚴重犯規你們活塞出來的 說起來特別有感覺
作者: dream1285201 (Jon)   2022-01-16 19:25:00
作者: baseball5860 (小T)   2022-01-16 19:59:00
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2022-01-16 20:37:00
作者: hijodedios36 (boyoung)   2022-01-16 21:38:00
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2022-01-16 21:57:00
作者: karta2133295 (76ers!!)   2022-01-16 22:32:00
不是有人說嗎 我不知道藍比爾在場上在幹嘛 總之不是在打籃球
作者: LatteCat5566 (拿鐵貓56)   2022-01-16 23:11:00
遇到當時的活塞KD LBJ有種切入啊嗎?
作者: limitlesscit ( )   2022-01-16 23:37:00
作者: zxzxzxzxzxzx (眾生壓迫驚嘆號)   2022-01-17 00:05:00
kd守不住 但姆斯打法在以前重禁區的年代肯定打折扣不過如果要嚴重犯規肯定是kd先被打爆
作者: lbhwtcts4169 (marble701)   2022-01-17 00:27:00
實力一定是進步的 能比較的重只有成就地位但會有貴古拿極端值說嘴就是
作者: coolhidekimo (take)   2022-01-17 00:35:00
不管啦 過不了半場啦
作者: lucifiel1618 (Lucifiel)   2022-01-17 01:57:00

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