mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-01-28 12:37:51※ 引述《arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)》之銘言:
: Pelinka想要Hield,但LBJ及AD說服他追求龜龜
Westbrook had been telling those around him for weeks that he was finally co
ming home, but now those dreams seemed to be slipping away. So shortly befor
e noon on July 29, he asked his billionaire boss, Ted Leonsis, for a persona
l favor: Find a way for him to land with the Lakers. That passionate plea se
t off a chain of events that resulted in the Lakers assembling one of the mo
st star-laden and veteran teams in league history.
幾個星期以來,威少一直在告訴他身邊的人,他終於要回家了,但現在,那些夢想似乎正在遠離他,於是在7月29中午,威少向巫師老闆Ted Leonsis求情,想辦法讓他加盟湖人隊,這最終促成了巫師和湖人的交易。
DeMar DeRozan He took part in two such meetings at James’ home and had sepa
rate ongoing phone conversations with James. His conversations with the Lake
rs co-stars had gone well There was genuine excitement shared in the player
meetings about how DeRozan would fit.
Sources said Pelinka and his front-office group strongly considered executin
g a sign-and-trade for the 32-year-old DeRozan, giving up Kuzma and Caldwell
-Pope in the process, but couldn’t come to consensus terms with the Spurs i
n free agency or a suitable contract number for DeRozan. What’s more, sourc
es say the DeRozan option never advanced to the point that it was presented
to Buss.
While she has long since empowered Pelinka to be the final front office deci
sion maker, the impact of her family’s legacy remains strong. And the Westb
rook deal, quite clearly, was seen as the kind of move that would make her l
ate father, legendary Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, smile. If only they could
get it over the finish line.
Even if Hield was a more natural fit for their structure, the Lakers believe
d Westbrook made them a more dangerous team in the postseason.
It was, in essence, the decision between a player they believed could be the
difference-maker in a 16-game title run vs. one whose talents had only been
utilized in the regular season.
The decision left Sacramento management steaming, sources said. The Kings ha
d no idea they were even competing with a Westbrook deal