[外絮] 火箭人士:不看好哈登、鉛筆的組合,

作者: mingonly (想要告訴你!)   2022-01-29 20:32:05
A Houston source questioned how Harden would be in Philadelphia, particularly wh
enreunited with Morey.
“That wasn’t a good situation,” he said. “He had a strong relationship with
Daryl. Things never worked with James and Chris Paul or Russell Westbrook or Dwi
ght Howard. At a certain point you have to ask who was really the problem.
記者Steve Bulpett採訪了一位火箭人士,該人士表示:我不太看好哈登在費城的未來。他
確實和費城管理層裡的某些人關係很好,但他和Chris Paul、Westbrook和Howard都相處得
If James gets to Philly, it could be a situation where Embiid’s complete game w
ill depend on whether James wants to give him the ball or not — and James is a
weird control freak. He will not throw him the ball at certain times in games ju
st to let Joel know that, like, I’m the guy.”
哈登是不是願意分享球權。 哈登是一個奇怪的控制狂。 他有可能會在比賽的某些階段不給
Said a Philadelphia source, “Joel had his own issues early on in his career, bu
t Joel has grown up. He wants to win. I think that’s why he’s so frustrated wi
th the Ben thing. He just wants to be with people who can play and who are commi
tted to winning.
Embiid在生涯早期也有自己的問題,但現在他已經長大了。 他想贏球,這就是為什麽他對S
immons的狀況如此沮喪。 他只是想和那些能打球的人在一起並致力於贏球的人。
作者: hayabusa2004 (飛翔鳥人)   2022-01-29 20:34:00
得分能力下降又霸球 頂多跟西門搭一樣 可以賭一次火箭人士就是在嘴有CP3還霸球呀 一不爽就不傳球KI難搞 沒耐心想走是有可能的 籃網要三星到齊才會強
作者: limitlesscit ( )   2022-01-29 21:07:00
作者: anderson1979 (spurs win)   2022-01-29 21:32:00
關你火箭啥事 …分手恐怖情人
作者: horstyle0411 (樹林馬尚)   2022-01-29 21:42:00
作者: JustBecauseU (ki)   2022-01-29 21:45:00
八字都還沒一撇 是要通靈嗎
作者: candbilly153 (Black·Muya·White)   2022-01-29 23:05:00
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2022-01-30 00:42:00

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