mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-01-31 12:56:52詹姆斯會回騎士退役巡迴嗎?前騎士記者:不無可能
作者Jason Lloyd
LeBron and Dan Gilbert — are square. They both needed each other to get where t
hey wanted to go. Gilbert needed LeBron to win a championship, and LeBron needed
Gilbert to spend enough to make delivering a championship here feasible. Each m
an delivered. They owe each other nothing.
詹姆斯和Gilbert,他們曾經有著共同的利益。 他們相互需要來實現自己的目標。 Gilbert
需要詹姆斯來贏得冠軍,而詹姆斯需要Gilbert花足夠的錢來組建一支爭冠球隊。 他們每個
For multiple reasons, I tend to believe James will retire with the Lakers, but n
ever say never. Could he come back and spend his final year in Cleveland? Sure,
I suppose. His 17-year-old son Bronny’s basketball future plays a role in this
as well. LeBron has not hidden the fact he’d love to play with his son in the N
BA. He joked with me once, “I’d play one game (with Bronny) and retire.”
個賽季回到騎士隊嗎? 當然,不無可能。 他17歲的兒子布朗尼在他目前的籃球生涯中會扮
演關鍵的角色。 詹姆斯從不隱瞞他想和自己的兒子在NBA打球的事實。 他曾和我開玩笑說
I’ll add another layer to this: When James returned the first time, I was told
by multiple people that he “doesn’t like playing with kids.” You saw after he
got here how fast the roster turned from young to old. Now look at the Lakers r
oster. James likes playing with vets who understand the game. This Cavs team is
uber-talented, but it’s also uber-young.
當詹姆斯上次回到騎士時,很多人告訴我,他不喜歡和孩子一起打球。 你可以看到,詹姆
For 20 years, the Cavs’ identity was tethered to LeBron. “We have to tank and
be bad enough to possibly draft him. … We got him, now we have to win. … Oh no
, we lost him. We have to get him back. … We got him back. Now we have to win a
Two decades of that. It’s the only time in professional sports I can recall a f
ranchise being obsessed with a player like that, and for good reason. He’s one
of the best. But the Cavs knew when LeBron left in 2018 that he couldn’t be the
plan anymore, and they delivered faster than anyone thought possible. If LeBron
wanted to return for a third tour at the end, fine. But I don’t think anyone a
t Cleveland Clinic Courts is worried about that right now.