西門對罰款不屑一顧,不滿鉛筆將輸球歸咎於他 “According to sources close to Simmons, he's upset that Embiid seemed to blame him for last season's playoff loss, when Simmons did not blame Embiid for Embiid 's poor showing in the playoffs against the Toronto Raptors in 2019.” - @ramonashelburne on Ben Simmons 根據記者Ramona Shelburne報導,與西門關係密切的消息人士透露,西門對鉛筆似乎將上 賽季季後賽的失利歸咎於他感到不滿,因為在2019年季後賽76人被暴龍淘汰、鉛筆發揮不佳 時,西門當時也沒有怪罪鉛筆。 (2019年76人3-4不敵暴龍的系列賽,鉛筆場均上場33.9分鐘得到17.6分8.7籃板3.3助攻,命 中率37%。) https://i.imgur.com/kwKTBUG.jpg https://reurl.cc/bkY3lM Ben Simmons has lost over $19 million in fines since the season began and could lose another $12 million by the end of the season, per @ramonashelburne “‘We don't give a f*ck about the money,’ one source close to Simmons says” 根據記者Ramona Shelburne報導,自本賽季開始以來,西門已經損失了超過1900萬美元的 罰款,如果這種情況延續到本賽季結束,他將再損失1200萬。 「我們對這筆錢不屑一顧」,一位與西門關係密切的消息人士表示。 https://reurl.cc/02d49b 西門:鉛筆你怎麼能全都怪我