“I don’t understand how some of my comments over the weekend were taken to a w
hole different area... I never said I could see myself playing in a Cavaliers un
iform. I talked to Jason Lloyd [of The Athletic] and he asked me, and I said ‘w
ell, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but actually me playing for the Cavs, I
don’t know. I don’t know about that. Could I see myself retiring as a Cav?’ A
nd he asked me, like ‘what if you just came here and signed for a day and retir
ed as a Cav?’ And I said ‘that possibly could be.’
son Lloyd(騎士隨隊記者)聊過,他問我,而我說「好吧,我不知道明天會怎樣,但實際上
“And then things about my son, me wanting to play with my son wherever he’s at
, like you guys take my words and just twist them to different places where they
shouldn’t go. Like if I comment or compliment the GM that’s in OKC. I really
believe that he’s done a phenomenal job. And you guys spin that to me saying th
at Rob is not doing a great job. Or if I say the GM from the Rams, I loved his f
uckin T-shirt. I thought it was dope. And I believe the same way. I don’t care
about picks. I only care about winning championships. How is that directed at Ro
b and the Lakers’ franchise? Rob has done the same thing. He went and got AD, h
e didn’t care about picks as well, obviously.
“So it’s so weird that you guys can take — not you guys, whoever started this
whole thing — and Bill doesn’t like the Lakers anyways. So it’s always going
to be a negative anytime Bill says anything about the Lakers. So I hope no one
in the Lakers faithful listens to Bill Oram [of The Athletic]. I hope not. He ha
sn’t said one great thing about the Lakers, in so long. OK.”
LBJ:所以你們很奇怪,不管始作俑者是誰,你們都能曲解這番言論。反正Bill Oram(提問
續聽Bill Oram的話了。他已經很久沒有說過湖人的好話了,好嗎。