原文網址: https://reurl.cc/bkpqYM
記者:Bryan Kalbrosky
“Congrats to LeBron, second all-time. Probably in fifty more games or so, fif
ty to seventy games or so, he’ll be first all-time. And I can’t wait to see
that and I hope, Steve Kerr, I’m throwing this out there right now. If LeBron
is passing the all-time scoring record and we have a game, I’m going to LeBr
on’s game and witness history. So that’s what we doing, coach Kerr.”
恭喜老詹,得分排行榜第二名! 大概在50-70場之類的,他就會登上第一了。我真的迫不
及待看到這件事情發生。 所以! Kerr! 我現在就先跟你講,老詹破紀錄的那場比賽,勇
詹迷 湖迷 勇迷 柯迷 綠迷要大和解了?