arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2022-04-01 20:55:14Richard Jefferson:如果嘴綠沒被禁賽,我不知道騎士能否奪冠
Former Cleveland Cavaliers swingman turned ESPN analyst Richard Jefferson recent
ly came out with a rather contentious admission about the 2016 NBA Finals betwee
n his Cavs and the Golden State Warriors. According to the 41-year-old, he has d
oubts if LeBron James and the rest of the squad would have raised the championsh
ip trophy had it not been for one of the most controversial suspensions in NBA F
inals history.
前克利夫蘭騎士隊搖擺人現為ESPN球評的RJ最近對他的騎士隊和金州勇士隊之間的2016年 N
BA冠軍賽提出了相當有爭議的聲明。根據這位 41 歲的球員的說法,如果不是因為NBA總冠
In his mind, Jefferson is not sure if the Cavs would have won that title if Dray
mond Green had not been suspended for Game 5 of that series:
“If (Draymond Green) doesn’t get suspended I don’t know if we win in 2016. It
certainly helped not hurt having him out there! Guess we’ll never know!” Jeff
erson wrote in his tweet.
The narrative about Green’s suspension being the biggest turning point of the s
eries has never gone away. More than a few folks out there believe that the Dubs
would have won Game 5 if Green was in the mix. Richard Jefferson has now reigni
ted that notion by saying that he too has some doubts about the Cavs’ unforgett
able championship win.
Whatever the case may be, however, all this will just be up for debate. There’s
nothing anyone can do to change history and the fact of the matter is that LeBr
on James led the Cavs to a monumental title win against a heavily-favored Warrio
rs side in 2016. Regardless of the circumstances, this will forever be part of t
he history books.