arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2022-04-22 18:30:04Udoka談西門可能復出:不認為這是個問題,我們對他很熟
According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, Simmons has progressed well in his reco
very from a back issue, so much so that a return in Game 4 of the first round of
the playoffs is now a “realistic target.” Since the Nets acquired him at the
trade deadline, Simmons has yet to suit up for the team due to the injury setbac
k. He hasn’t played at all this season as well after his holdout with the Phila
delphia 6ers.
根據ESPN的Adrian Wojnarowski的說法,西門背傷恢復很好,以至於在季後賽第一輪的第四
Despite the possible return of Simmons, Udoka shared that they will not be focus
ing too much in it until he is really available. Even then, the Celtics coach po
inted out that they will be ready when the Australian suits up since they are qu
ite familiar with him.
“I don’t think it’s a problem for our guys. We have a group that’s seen him
quite a bit,” Udoka added, per Jay King of The Athletic.
Ime Udoka has a point, though. After all, the Celtics have played Ben Simmons a
lot since they are in the same division with the Sixers. With that said, they kn
ow what he is capable of doing–even with a new team.
Ime Udoka說得有道理。畢竟,自從塞爾提克和76人在同一個分區以來,他們已經和西門打