※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言:
: Kendrick Perkins: “Ben Simmons is that pretty girl that is single, and everyb
: ody is wondering why she’s single, it’s because she smokes cigarettes.”
: https://twitter.com/TheNBACentral/status/1518999920602230789
: Perkins在節目上談到西門用譬喻表示:
: 西門就像是一個漂亮的單身女孩,大家都想知道為什麼她會單身,之後才發現原來是因為
: 她會抽菸。 這就是西門,單身女孩但會抽菸。
: 影片:
: https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1519023329285492736
: 短評或心得:
: 這段言論目前在Reddit討論度蠻高的
: https://reurl.cc/0pjo8x
"I dont care if hes right or wrong about this, it is hilarious"
"As brother jed says “if she is willing to put cigarettes in her mouth do you
know what else she would put in her mouth”"
"I knew a chick that once said...I smoke my cig like I eat pussy... all the
way to the butt!"
"I like “If she has no problem getting lung cancer she’s totally down to
catch an STD”"