During a recent appearance on "First Take," recently retired NBA player J.J. Red
ick went back to that well during a debate on Chris Paul. When Chris "Mad Dog" R
usso said that the Phoenix Suns guard was "not Bob Cousy" when it came to the NB
A's great point guards, Reddick responded by stating that the Boston Celtics leg
end "was being guarded by plumbers and firemen" and played in an era where there
were "eight teams in the NBA and you had to win two playoff series".
最近在ESPN First Take節目上,JJ Redick進行了一個關於CP3的辯論。主持人Chris Russo
(綽號瘋狗)認為當人們討論NBA歷史上偉大的PG時,CP3不如Bob Cousy偉大。但JJ認為這位
註:Bob Cousy是塞爾提克傳奇控球,有1次MVP,6次總冠軍,跟指環王同期的球員。
Bob Cousy:"People with less talent will always try to make a name for themselve
s by criticizing other people, and hopefully getting some attention and perhaps
increasing their credibility. When you respond to something like this, you play
into their hands. I won't do that, but I will defend the firemen and the plumber
s that he referenced," Cousy said, referencing NBA legends like Bill Russell and
Wilt Chamberlain, the latter of whom he called the best small forward in NBA hi
story. "I guess he must have fought fires as well."
高齡93歲的Bob Cousy則回應:
他也提到了Wilt Chamberlain和Bill Russell,並說”我猜他可能也有在負責滅火”
Cousy went on to name many of his contemporaries