mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-05-26 10:04:47願吞下威少大約的球隊要求湖人至少倒貼一個首輪
Westbrook has a $47.1 million player option for next season that he is expected
to pick up. That option would make him one of the highest-paid players in basket
ball, but with only a single season remaining on the deal, it's not an especiall
y destructive deal over the long haul. In theory, there should be teams that are
willing to trade longer contracts for Westbrook purely for the sake of long-ter
m savings.
威少下賽季將獲得4710萬美元的球員選項。 這將使他成為籃球界薪水最高的球員之一,但
在合約只剩下一個賽季的情況下,從長遠來看,這並不是一個特別具有破壞性的交易。 從
However, according to Jovan Buha, "teams have been demanding the inclusion of at
least one first-round pick to take on Westbrook's massive expiring contract, ac
cording to league sources. Rival teams know how much of a public trainwreck last
season was for the Lakers, and they're not looking to do Los Angeles any favors
by helping them off of Westbrook's contract."
TA記者Jovan Buha撰文報導了威少的交易前景。願意吞下威少即將到期大約的球隊要求湖人