laptic (無明)
2022-06-06 23:35:25消息來源:(網址或出處)
(共三則推文,後二則與 NCAA 有關)
I asked Penny Hardaway this morning about Rasheed Wallace's status. He said
Rasheed is likely headed to LA to be part of Darvin Ham's staff.
我(記者)今早問過 Penny Hardaway,關於 Rasheed Wallace 的狀態。他表示後者有可
能會前往洛杉磯,加入 Darvin Ham 的執教團隊陣容。
Penny also mentioned Louisville and Arkansas again as non-conference
possibilities. He also said Memphis may play Auburn in Atlanta again.
他也提到路易維爾大學紅雀和阿肯色州立大學野豬這兩隊,作為 NCAA 非同聯盟的可能性
Penny confirmed he's got 5 open scholarships as of today. Reiterated he's
looking for shooters, adding he wants to also grab a "hybrid big."
Penny 也確認,目前手上還有五個獎學金名額開放中,同時強調正在尋找著射手。
如果真的去到了湖人隊,該不會要被「Ball don't lie」纏繞了吧?
23:52 更新:
Sources: Four-time NBA All-Star Rasheed Wallace has agreed on a deal to be an
assistant coach for the Lakers under new head coach Darvin Ham. Both were
teammates in Detroit and part of the 2004 title team. Memphis‘ Penny
Hardaway hinted today Wallace may join Ham in LA.
Rasheed Wallace 已經同意加入湖人隊,成為助理教練
Penny Hardaway 早前預示(如上),Rasheed 將會加入新任總教練 Darvin Ham 的團隊
06/07 07:04 更新:
For further context: Wallace was recently identified as a candidate for Ham's
staff. The two sides have not yet reached a formal contract stage.