Beal談未來:我將會去我覺得能贏球的地方 “Obviously, I consider my family. What do they wanna do? Where do they wanna li ve? What are they comfortable with?” Beal said in an interview with Taylor Rook s of Bleacher Report. “And obviously, the team. So it is surreal in a lot of wa ys to be in the position I am in. It is crazy numbers. It is what it is. It’s u ncontrollable. It’s out of my control. But I’m blessed to be here. Again, I do n’t shy away from that. I take it on with a full front and I have to do what’s best for me. There is a little anxiety because I have to make the decision and time is counting down, we’re in June now. But it’s fun to be in this position. ” Beal談是否和巫師續約:顯然,我考慮了我的家庭,他們想做什麼?他們想住在哪裡?當然 還有球隊,我現在所處的位置在很多方面都是超現實的。這是瘋狂的數字(5年2.42億美元) ,事情就是這樣,這是無法控制的,這不是我能控制的,但我很幸運能來到這裡。再說一次 ,我不會迴避這個問題,我會去做對自己最有利的事。我有點焦慮,因為我必須做出決定, 時間正在倒數,現在已經是6月了,但處在這個位置很有趣。 “I know what my decision will be based off of, and that’s gonna be where I fee l like I can win. That’s going to be my decision,” Beal said. “If I feel like I can win in D.C., that’s what I’m gonna do, and I want people to respect tha t. You may or you may not, but I’m gonna work my ass off and I’m gonna compete and I wanna make this team better. If it’s elsewhere, it’s going to be the ex act same commitment… For the most part, I’m gonna do what’s best for me and I can’t concern myself with what other people are saying, even though it may loo k as ‘simplified’ as people may project it to be.” Beal:我將會去我覺得可以贏球的地方,這將是我的決定。如果我覺得我能在華盛頓獲勝, 那就是我要做的,我希望人們尊重這一點,我們可能會做到也可能不會,但我會努力工作, 我會去競爭,我想讓這支球隊變得更好。但如果是在其他地方,也會是完全相同的承諾…… 在大多數情況下,我會做對自己最好的事情,我不會關心別人說什麼,儘管它看起來像人們 想像的那樣簡單。 去哪最容易贏球