“Obviously, I consider my family. What do they wanna do? Where do they wanna li
ve? What are they comfortable with?” Beal said in an interview with Taylor Rook
s of Bleacher Report. “And obviously, the team. So it is surreal in a lot of wa
ys to be in the position I am in. It is crazy numbers. It is what it is. It’s u
ncontrollable. It’s out of my control. But I’m blessed to be here. Again, I do
n’t shy away from that. I take it on with a full front and I have to do what’s
best for me. There is a little anxiety because I have to make the decision and
time is counting down, we’re in June now. But it’s fun to be in this position.
“I know what my decision will be based off of, and that’s gonna be where I fee
l like I can win. That’s going to be my decision,” Beal said. “If I feel like
I can win in D.C., that’s what I’m gonna do, and I want people to respect tha
t. You may or you may not, but I’m gonna work my ass off and I’m gonna compete
and I wanna make this team better. If it’s elsewhere, it’s going to be the ex
act same commitment… For the most part, I’m gonna do what’s best for me and I
can’t concern myself with what other people are saying, even though it may loo
k as ‘simplified’ as people may project it to be.”