mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-06-13 00:58:43記者Howard Beck在最新的一期專題報導裡,針對所有2015年總決賽的投票者進行採訪,回
Stein: Very seriously. Those Warriors revolved around Steph and frankly they sti
ll do. But I ultimately went with Iguodala, because he changed the series when h
e became a starter. People forget he scored 25 points in the clinching Game 6 wi
n. People also forget that the Warriors were a shaky mess at 2–1, down against
a heavy underdog that won TWO games without Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving to take
a series lead. Iguodala changed the series, and that's why he got my vote.
Stein: 勇士以Curry為中心,他們現在仍然如此。 但我最終選擇了IGGY,因為他成為先發
後改變了這個系列賽。 外界都忘記了他在G6中得到了25分。 人們也忘了勇士系列賽1-2落
Lowe: Very seriously. If I had voted for a Warrior, I’d have voted for Curry. I
just thought what LeBron did, getting that Cavs team without Kyrie Irving and K
evin Love a 2–1 lead—and keeping them competitive in all but one of their four
losses—was pretty remarkable. Too many people focus on LeBron’s shooting perc
entages in that series, which were not great. They weren’t horrid either, and h
e was doing pretty much everything.
Lowe:如果我要投票給勇士,我會投給Curry。 我只是認為LeBron所做的,他讓沒有KI和Lov
太多人關注在LeBron在那個系列賽中的投籃命中率並不是很好。 但那個數據也不糟糕,而
Spears: There was no other NBA Finals MVP, All-Star MVP or final season award vo
te that I have agonized over more than this one. There was not a lot of time to
think about it, either. Ultimately, the defensive impact of Iguodala on LeBron s
wayed me.
我也沒有多少時間去思考這件事。 最終,IGGY在防守端對LeBron的影響動搖了我。
Berger: For me, LeBron was the runaway leader in the clubhouse after the first t
hree games. How could he not have been after putting up 44-8-6 in 45 minutes, 39
-16-11 in 50 minutes, and 40-12-8-4 in 46 minutes? Steph was the best player on
the Warriors through three games ... but not even close to the best player in th
e series. The series changed when Steve Kerr inserted Iguodala into the starting
lineup in Game 4. In that pivotal game, LeBron was human (20-12-8 in 40 minutes
) as the Warriors tied the series at 2–2 and avoided the dreaded 3–1 deficit.
So at that point, Curry was a distant second to LeBron in my MVP thoughts.
Berger: 對我來說,LeBron在前三場比賽後是選票的領先者。 他在45分鐘內打出44分8籃板
怎麼可能不是呢? 而Curry在前三場過後都是勇士隊內最好的球員……但離系列賽最佳球員
還差得遠。 當Kerr在G4將IGGY放進先發陣容後,這個系列賽發生了變化,勇士以2-2追平系
列賽,避免了可怕的1-3落後。 所以在那個時候,在我的MVP評選中,Curry是遠遠落後於Le
Lloyd: If the Cavs had gotten it to a Game 7 and stretched the series as far as
it could go (as Jerry West did the year he won it in a losing effort), LeBron wo
uld’ve gotten my vote, regardless. The fact the Cavs lost in six, and three str
aight to end the series, eliminated him from my ballot. So then it became Steph
or Iggy. The fact remains the entire series swung on Iggy entering the Warriors
’ starting lineup. When Iguodala was off the court in these Finals, LeBron shot
44% and the Cavs outscored the Warriors by 30 points. When Iguodala was on the
court, he was James’s primary defender and LeBron shot 38%—and the Warriors ou
tscored the Cavs by 55. Without Iguodala, the Cavs win the series. That’s prett
y valuable to me, even if it doesn’t fit the narrative today.
Lloyd:如果騎士能打到第七場,把系列賽拉長(就像Jerry West當年在輸球的情況下贏得總
決賽MVP那樣),不管結果如何,LeBron都會得到我的選票。 事實上,騎士在六場過後失利
,並以三連敗結束了系列賽,這使得他從我的選票中消失了。 然後就變成了Curry和IGGY之
間的抉擇。 事實上,整輪系列賽都取決於IGGY是否進入先發陣容。 當IGGY不在場上的時候
,Lebron的命中率達到了44%,騎士比勇士多得了30分。 當IGGY在場上的時候,他是Lebron
的主要防守球員,Lebron的命中率為38%,勇士比騎士多得55分。 沒有IGGY,騎士就會贏得
那輪系列賽。 這一點對我來說很有價值,即使它不符合現今的輿論導向。
Aschburner: I considered Curry as seriously as any of the players in that series
. I think I heard the Iguodala chatter, but wasn’t persuaded. My view of Curry
was that he had been good, but not GREAT, and had had plenty of help at various
points in the series. Meanwhile, LeBron had little or no help with Kyrie out aft
er one game and Kevin Love not available at all.
Aschburner:我認真的考慮過Curry。我聽到了一些關於IGGY的議論,但我沒被說服。 我對C
Simmons: I barely considered Curry, but I definitely waffled on whether I was vo
ting for the NBA Finals’ best player or most valuable player. LeBron James was
clearly the best player in the series, and Andre Iguodala was clearly the most v
aluable player to the winning team in the series. Curry was ultimately not part
of my choice, even with the understanding that he got the Warriors to a place th
at they hadn’t been for 40 years. He simply was not among the most impactful pl
ayers in that best-of-seven series, and I believe that’s what I was called to v
ote on.
投票感到糾結。 LeBron顯然是這輪系列賽中最好的球員,而在獲勝的隊伍裡IGGY是最有價
值的球員。 Curry最終不是我選擇的一部分,即使我知道是他讓勇士達到了40年來從未達到
的水準。 在那輪七戰四勝的賽制的系列賽中,他根本不是最有影響力的球員之一,我相信
Amick: After three games, it just felt like LeBron was eviscerating the Warriors
; and more importantly, that Steph was getting mauled in this matchup, and he ha
d a really bad Game 2. Games 1 and 3 looked fine in the box score, but defensive
ly, he was getting picked on a bit. The thing that gets overlooked a bit is that
when (Andrew) Bogut was in there, it was inviting the Cavs to trap with Tristan
Thompson and making life really tough on Steph. So when Iguodala entered the st
arting lineup in Game 4, it wasn’t just a case of slowing LeBron a little bit,
it was also that on the offensive end, he was spacing the floor and making thing
s easier on Steph.
到了重創,他在G2打得非常糟糕。 他在G1和G3的數據看起來不錯,但在防守端,他受到了
一些批評。 有一件事被忽視了,當Bogut在場上的時候,這是在歡迎騎士利用TT上前包夾,
這讓Curry變得很艱難。 所以,當IGGY在G4進入先發陣容時,這不僅僅是在防守端限制了Le
Van Gundy: I thought it was clear cut (for James). And then the next clear-cut o
ne was, if it was from the Warriors, it was Curry. But you’re also happy for a
guy like Iguodala, who’s had a terrific career, and he played great. My second
pick would have been Curry. Sometimes when you don’t play to the level—this in
credibly high level of expectation that he’s created for himself—you get overs
crutinized. And I think that’s been him a lot in his career.
Van Gundy:我認為這很明顯(投詹姆斯)。 然後下一個明確的人選是Curry。 但你也會為IG
GY這樣的人感到高興,他有一個偉大的職業生涯,他發揮得很好。 我的第二順位應該是Cur
ry。 有時候,當你沒有達到預期時——這是他為自己創造的高得難以置信的期望,你就會
被過度審查。 我認為這在他的職業生涯中反覆發生。
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-06-13 01:11:00
反正就X因子理論阿 小AI讓姆斯降低6%命中率所以他是FMVP 我是不信其他年守對面主將的球員就沒有能降低6%以上的但是沒咖哩連冠軍賽都打不到吧XD所以最大的獲勝原因是Kerr的調度 只是小AI剛好是這個調度的主要選手而已我還是覺得敗者沒道理拿票啦 畢竟輸了就是輸了咖哩終究是勇士核心 也是對內數據最佳的 進攻面也是一直拉怪給隊友創造機會 結果0票小AI守住LBJ拿7票 LBJ表現強到輸球還拿4票 這到底是投小AI的人亂投還是投LBJ的人亂投 可不可以告訴我到底有沒有守住LBJ?VV拿0票1票都合理阿 但他也沒拿過半阿投出一個敗者FMVP也是很難看啦 雖然小AI拿也是很詭異就是了教練改調度贏球常常發生阿 就15年比較特別 改調度就變角色球員拿FMVP了15咖哩的表現也是全隊最佳阿 只是X因子拿了
作者: rebuildModel (重新建構) 2022-06-13 01:39:00
A 得 70分,B得31分。 B是後來的,所以B是最佳的。這就是瞎了眼的投票啊。
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-06-13 01:40:00
就投票者對咖哩的標準超級高 對小AI的標準很低而已說是守好 但對面也拿了四票 所以投票者們彼此的標準其實就矛盾了轉先發就戰術轉變阿 所以奪冠最大功臣毫無疑問是教練 不然小AI前三場出場時間也很高啊所以評審的標準就跟歷年差超多阿 誰守對面主將誰拿FMVP到底是什麼標準?隊內是贏小AI的阿
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-06-13 01:51:00
那今年青賽贏給聰明哥 勇士贏給圍巾 用15年標準就該這麼給看看青賽東冠和總冠JT表現的差距 如果勇士贏圍巾必拿FMVP OK吧?15年咖哩烙賽也不嚴重啊 場均26分是有多慘?跟一開始484先發就無關阿 不是該看整個系列賽?所以有沒有守住對面 在替補時就沒有鍋喔?
投票就是這樣啊,不然就看數據選囉JT又沒這麼強…你有看球嗎 JT打得如何?
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-06-13 02:05:00
所以對面主將多強該給防守他的人FMVP? 為此還把場均26分的主將搞到0票?JT東冠打很好阿 不就是被圍巾限制住才那麼慘?
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-06-13 02:09:00
後面贏球全部都是小AI先發的功勞 那前面三場小AI上場也是30幾分鐘 1-2他沒有鍋要背喔?啊所以要多強才能讓防守他的球員拿7票?守到對面敗者都拿四票 我還真的不能肯定防守者的防守欸 因為這本來就很矛盾你真的守很好對面到底為什麼會拿到四票...其實重點就是LBJ拿不到咖哩就不能拿可愛14年也是算全隊最出色的阿 只是全隊貢獻很平均而已 不像15最出色的是咖哩守到對面30幾分 輸家還拿四票本身就很扯阿 聽到這個結果誰會覺得守的很好?輸家還能拿四張選票在歷史也是超罕見欸考驗防守能力 那小AI到底是有限制好還是沒限制好?如果你說LBJ打很好那為什麼小AI能靠防守拿7票 如果你說小AI限制的很好 那為什麼敗者還能拿四票 這本身就超級矛盾欸
作者: janjonjoseph (葉小妹) 2022-06-13 09:00:00
伊古16.3分 5.8板 4助攻 37.1mins咖 26.0分 5.2板 6.3助 42.5mins少誰絕對沒機會好像很明顯這標準今年就該給聰明啊數據沒輸主將太多又很好地限制Curry(?)