The Lakers are the one team with an obvious desire to poach Irving from Brooklyn
, but there is plenty of skepticism around the NBA that L.A. can acquire Irving
in a direct two-team swap with the Nets. Brooklyn's goal of contending already d
isqualifies a theoretical package of Russell Westbrook and two first-round picks
from satisfying the Nets' wishes for any Irving or Durant return.
完成交易 (不拉第三方),籃網目前希望KD和KI能夠回歸,就算用威少加兩個首輪籤來換,
Westbrook is also set to make $47 million in 2022-23, roughly $11 million more t
han Irving. This exercise is not apples to apples, but if Brooklyn essentially r
eplaced Irving's contract with Westbrook's, the Nets would suffer over $50 milli
on in tax penalties, according to salary projections provided to B/R.