mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-07-13 13:06:26Bobby Marks:Curry是歷史第二好的球員
"[Steph Curry] is the 2nd-best player of all-time"
I'm going to stun you with this take here. I actually think Steph Curry is the second-best player of all time. Right behind Michael Jordan. Curry has this instinct what I saw with Jordan.Anytime he has the ball you think it's going to go in.
Bobby Marks:我這麼說可能會讓你感到震驚,但我真的認為Curry是歷史第二偉大的球員,就排在MJ後面。 Curry就和MJ一樣,只要他拿到球,你就覺得他會進。
He is a threat offensively. I think we've got 3 or 4 more years of Curry in his prime right now
I would put Curry ahead of LeBron James right now.
只看進攻端 影響力跟帶隊能力 可能真的有前三了 但累積成就明顯還不行
應該沒有強隊是防守弱的 季後就真的都在看誰防守好畢竟防守不會背叛你老實說今年東區真的誰進總冠軍都精彩守到腿軟沒辦法了啦 前面場場血戰 然後總冠又遇到一個專門在場上跑馬拉松的curry如果今年是熱火晉級也是會蠻有看頭的 可能可以看到決勝時刻兩個球星在互轟curry迷今年過後就沒遺憾了啦 接下來就是繼續看curry一場接一場締造自己的三分紀錄了 也不會去在乎是歷史第幾
作者: shadowstrike (無言) 2022-07-13 15:09:00
喜歡curry,但第二有點扯= =
作者: ggsumida0402 2022-07-14 07:08:00
咖哩證明可以? 是Kerr證明可以吧 事實是勇士陣容不齊的時候curry也進不了季後賽