瓦妮莎:DDR不是Kobe球鞋的代言人,只有Kobe本人才是 Vanessa Bryant responds to @ShamsCharania’s report of DeMar Derozan being face of Kobe’s Nike signature line 瓦妮莎回應記者Shams關於DDR成為Kobe系列代言人的報導 https://i.imgur.com/5Oo1gH1.jpg Fresh off making All-NBA second team, Chicago Bulls star DeMar DeRozan is signin g a new four-year deal with Nike that keeps him as the featured face of Kobe Bry ant’s iconic line, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Shams:入選最佳陣容第二隊的芝加哥公牛隊球星DeMar Derozan與NIKE簽署了一份為期四年 的新合約,他將繼續作為Kobe球鞋系列品牌的代言人。 Vanessa:False . He is not the face of the Kobe Line . No one is. https://i.imgur.com/mWwsvVn.jpg Vanessa:假的! 他不是Kobe球鞋的代言人,任何人都不會是。 Vanessa: No they didn't . LOVE that he's a Kobe supporter but the caption is fal se . It's misinformation . Only Kobe is the face of his line . If that changes i n the future , then I'm sure Nike and I will release a statement announcing it . Vanessa:我欣賞他對Kobe的支持,但新聞說他是Kobe代言人這不正確,假的, Kobe球鞋的 代言人只能是Kobe自己! 如果將來不是,我肯定我會和NIKE發表一份聯合聲明。 https://twitter.com/nicekicks/status/1554183580338774020?t=aROrEWIsSde17qiJfekjo g&s=19