或許Steve Kerr天生散發抖M氣質 除了被Jordan揍到變豬頭外
當年Kerr在Gonzaga面試時教練叫John Stockton與他對位試訓
據說場面非常糟糕非常骯髒 當事人Kerr也不願再提及 最後Kerr到了亞利桑納大學
Kerr在事過境遷十數年後 公牛連續兩年對上爵士隊時回說:
「We played Utah two years in a row. Twelve games against John Stockton. And I
have the greatest respect for him. I see him away from the court. Love him.
Great guy. But he was a dirty bastard. I’m letting it out, I’m letting it out.
I’ve never seen a therapist about this, so this is my time to let it out.」
而Stockton被媒體問到與Kerr在Gonzaga對上的逸事時 只是笑笑的說
「有這回事嗎?我不記得了 厂厂」
看看兩人生涯退役後到現在的境遇 再加上孩子的發展
我真的只能說 Karma is a b*tch