arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2022-11-08 10:49:08Stein:對KI的6項要求可能是知道他做不到的情況下制定的
The Brooklyn Nets have made it abundantly clear that they won’t be letting Kyri
e Irving off the hook lightly. The organization has slapped the embattled star w
ith a long list of “measures” that he is now required to adhere to before the
Nets even consider reinstating him.
Apparently, all this could prove to be the beginning of the end for Irving. Acco
rding to NBA insider Marc Stein (paywalled), the Nets may have purposefully esta
blished this list under the premise that Kyrie would likely be unwilling or unab
le to fulfill them:
顯然,這一切都可能被證明是KI走向終結的開始。根據NBA記者Marc Stein的報導,籃網可
There is growing pessimism in various corners of the league that Kyrie Irving wi
ll ever play for the Nets again. After initially moving so slowly to sanction Ir
ving for his ongoing support of a movie widely regarded as anti-Semitic and desc
ribed Thursday by NBA commissioner Adam Silver as containing “vile and harmful
content,” Brooklyn has gone the other way, assembling a list of what the team t
erms six “remedial measures” that must be completed before Irving can be reins
tated. There is a feeling among some close to the process, I’m told, that the l
ist was crafted with the knowledge that Irving would be unlikely to complete all
six and thus could conceivably subject himself to potential outright release.
Kyrie Irving is a very proud man, and this is going to be very difficult for him
to accomplish, to say the least. It would not be surprising at all if he opts n
ot to adhere to these requirements, which will give the Nets enough motivation t
o potentially terminate his contract.
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-11-08 11:16:00
你要一個黑人去給猶太人再教育 以後根本就不用混了CBA也不敢收 中國比猶太人還容易戳照做的話就是在黑人社群很黑啊 尤其現在還有很多人還在挺KI欸