[外絮] KI:承擔責任並道歉,事情發展完全錯了

作者: jefflin0824 (kobelover)   2022-11-20 08:09:39
籃網球員Kyrie Irving今天接受了媒體SNY的獨家採訪,談到了過去幾週發生的事情。
“I really want to focus on the hurt that I caused or the impact that I made wit
hin the Jewish community. Putting some type of threat, or assumed threat, on the
Jewish community,” Irving told SNY. “I just want to apologize deeply for all
my actions throughout the time that it’s been since the post was first put up.
I’ve had a lot of time to think. But my focus, initially, if I could do it over
, would be to heal and repair a lot of my close relationships with my Jewish rel
atives, brothers and sisters.”
“I felt like I was protecting my character and I reacted out of just pure defen
se and just hurt that I could be labeled, or I thought that I was being labeled
as antisemitic or anti-Jewish, and I've felt like that was just so disrespectful
to ask me whether or not I was antisemitic or not,” he explained to SNY.
“Now to the outside world, that may have been seen as a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.
’ Which rightfully so, it should've been, 'No, I'm not antisemitic. No, I'm not
anti-Jewish.' I'm a person who believes we should all have equal opportunities
and that we should all shower each other with love, and that should be at the fo
“But it wasn't in that initial conversation, and I take my accountability and I
want to apologize for that, because it came off the wrong way completely. What
I was really getting at was, 'How can I be antisemitic, if I know where I come f
rom?' That statement itself was just referring back to my childhood and all the
relatives and friends that I have made and that I will continue to get to know o
n a deeper level. They're Jewish – some of them are Jewish, some of them are no
t Jewish. I felt like that didn't matter, and because I felt like that didn't ma
tter in the moment, it came off the wrong way.”
“It was a lot of hurt that needed to be healed, a lot of conversations that nee
ded to be had. And a lot of reflection,” Irving said.
He reiterated that he watched the film as part of an effort to learn more about
his heritage.
“I wanted to share the link with all those that were also on the same journey a
nd search for their heritage as I am on. The unfortunate aspect in that three-ho
ur documentary is the antisemitic remarks in terms of generalizing Jewish people
. I believe that was unfair. That wasn’t the aspect of the post that I wanted t
he focus to be on,” Irving said.
“I don't stand for any hate speech, I don't stand for racial prejudices or raci
al discrimination, and I for sure don't stand for any religious hatred against a
ny groups,” he said. “I don't want to bring any harm to any community, I only
want to bring more light and peace to our world. In order to do that, you need t
o come through some moments that maybe (are) challenging and testing.”
作者: IokUdiefirst (武漢肺炎)   2022-11-20 08:20:00
事情發展都錯了 $$竟然真的可能會沒 只好承認錯了
作者: BrahmaBull36 (衰尾道人)   2022-11-20 08:53:00
他是不是那種每次道歉都很誠懇 但下次還是會這麼做的人啊
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怪聲變佛聲 千萬不能得罪猶太人
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