arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2023-01-03 21:27:25Terrence Ross談LBJ與魔術板凳的衝突:我告誡隊友冷靜不要惹LBJ
LeBron James has been carrying the team since AD's injury and led the Lakers to
a hard-fought win against the Orlando Magic on 28 December. In the game, LeBron
had an altercation with the Magic bench that was caught on camera by fans.
Magic veteran Terrence Ross spoke about the incident later and described what ha
ppened and which players instigated James into getting upset. The lesson the Mag
ic youngsters went back with was? Never piss LeBron James off.
魔術隊老將Terrence Ross後來談到了這件事,並描述了事情的經過,以及是哪些球員煽動
了LBJ的情緒。 魔術隊的年輕球員得到的教訓是什麼? 永遠不要惹怒LBJ。
"A few nights ago, I was coming out of the game and Jalen Suggs was talking to L
eBron, nothing crazy, just talking. Caleb Houstan might have said something alon
g the lines of 'Jalen, stop talking to him'. But he wasn't talking anything craz
y, he was just speaking to Jalen. For whatever reason, Bron must have thought Ca
leb was talking to him. I don't know what he must have thought Caleb said but he
just lost it and said, 'hey you better tell your young boy he don't know me', s
omething along the lines of like 'get your boy,' I don't know."
Ross:我當時正要下場。我記得是Jalen Suggs在和LBJ講話,沒說什麼瘋狂的話,他們就是
在講話。Caleb Houstan也許說了類似這樣的話,「別和他講了,Jalen。」但他沒說什麼瘋
What I thought was happening was that he just needed something to get him going.
He was just using this for motivation to get out there and get going. Guess wha
t happened? He got going. So, I was trying to tell everybody like, 'bro, relax,
calm down, shut up. If there's one player you don't wanna piss off, it's probabl
y him'."