arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2023-01-06 20:06:36小范甘迪認為AD還不是準名人堂成員
Former NBA head coach and current ESPN analyst Jeff Van Gundy questioned whether
or not Los Angeles Lakers superstar Anthony Davis should be considered a future
Hall of Famer during the team’s win over the Miami Heat on Wednesday night.
前NBA總教練現任ESPN球評Jeff Van Gundy在周三晚上球隊戰勝邁阿密熱火隊的比賽中質疑
His fellow analyst Mark Jackson started off by saying that Davis has played a Ha
ll of Fame career, but Van Gundy wasn’t completely on board.
他的球評同事Mark Jackson一開始就說,AD的職業生涯已經足夠進名人堂,但Van Gundy並
“Are you sure right now if he ended today, he’d be a Hall of Famer?” Van Gund
y asked.
Van Gundy:如果他今天退休的話,你現在確定他能進名人堂?
Jackson argued that to this point in Davis’ career, the Lakers big man has done
enough to be considered a future member of the Hall of Fame. He then asked Van
Gundy if he agreed that Davis was on pace for the Hall of Fame.
未來名人堂的成員。然後他問Van Gundy是否同意AD正在往名人堂的路上邁進。
“I’m not sure because of the injuries,” Van Gundy said. “He’s just…been un
available so often. I think it’s hard to say that.”
Van Gundy:因為傷病,我不確定。他只是…經常沒辦法上場。我認為這很難說。
This is Davis’ 11th season in the NBA, and he’s already made eight All-Star te
ams, four All-NBA teams, four All-Defensive teams and been named to the NBA’s 7
5th Anniversary Team.
That’s a ton of accomplishments in a short amount of time, and Davis still hasn
’t even turned 30 years of age.
He’s going to need to stay healthy to truly push his career numbers, but Davis
has an NBA title to his name and has been one o the best players in the NBA for
the majority of his professional career.
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-01-06 20:30:00
要說數據 AD 29歲也15000分了 是要怎麼不進?AD要數據有數據 要獎項有獎項還不缺冠軍名人堂就很簡單啊 一堆比AD爛的都進了tmac得分18000而已啊 也才多AD 3000出頭跟現在小李差不多