arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2023-01-20 00:18:11大夢:勇士體系成功是因為沒有大個子球員懲罰,大歐在現代無人可擋
During his prime, NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal was the most dominant player the s
port of basketball has ever known. At the height of his powers, Shaq was an abso
lute beast who could not be stopped, averaging 27 points, 11.8 rebounds, and 2.5
blocks per game in eight seasons with the Lakers.
在他的巔峰時期,NBA 傳奇球星大歐是籃球運動史上最具統治力的球員。在他的巔峰時期,
He retired in 2011 as 15 x All-Star, 4x Champion, and a legacy that will live on
in the NBA history books forever.
But in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Houston Rockets icon Hakeem O
lajuwon dared to imagine how much better O'Neal would be in today's NBA and how
he would match up against a dynasty like the Golden State Warriors.
但在最近接受Sports Illustrated採訪時,休斯頓火箭隊的傳奇大夢有個大膽的想像,大歐
Olajuwon loves watching Golden State (“that ball is moving!”), and Curry in pa
rticular. But he also wonders what would happen if they had to face any real big
men. “Golden State’s system works well and why? Because nobody is punishing t
hem,” he says. “They have Draymond Green guarding the real big guys. He is rea
lly a small forward. It’s too much of a mismatch. They score three, you score t
wo right back. And if they miss? We still get two!”
Olajuwon imagines Shaq today and lights up. “He’d be a monster! Who’s going t
o stop him?” (I received a similar reaction from Van Gundy, who calls Shaq “th
e greatest distorter of defenses who ever played,” as well as his brother Stan,
who coached Shaq in Orlando.)
大夢想像著大歐在今日的樣子,然後興奮起來:他會是個怪物! 誰來阻止他?
Thanks to the evolution of the three-pointer, teams have gone smaller now as the
y put more emphasis on stretching the floor and sharing the ball. A few years ag
o, the Warriors perfected this strategy, and it transformed the entire NBA.
。 幾年前,勇士隊完善了這一戰略,改變了整個NBA。
But had a guy like O'Neal been around (a truly dominant under-the-rim big man),
the Warriors might not have enjoyed as much success. Even now, their biggest wea
kness is in the front court, and their lack of size down low has become a point
of emphasis for their competition to exploit.
作者: Valphalktami 2023-01-20 01:55:00
我倒認為不管歐肥歐瘦來到現代要改變習慣的不是進攻而是防守意識跟習慣 假設面對KD勇擋拆換防大個子不上前幾乎是等死聯盟大個子示微確實是因為進攻天賦好的長人少 但有一點也是三分現在誰都可以射了 你防守不夠 跑不了48分鐘你怎麼守