mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2023-01-20 22:37:03Over the last few seasons, the Philadelphia 76ers have remained one of the best
teams in the NBA. The credit for it goes to none other than Joel Embiid and his
rise to becoming a phenomenal superstar. But unlike traditional big men, Embiid
doesn't rely much on his game in the post to dominate players. Instead, the 76er
s superstar has a pretty solid shooting ability.
在過去的幾個賽季裡,費城76人隊一直是NBA最好的球隊之一。 這要歸功於Embiid這位非凡
的超級巨星。 但與其他傳統的長人不同,這位76人隊的超級巨星有著相當紮實的投射能力
This is what makes Joel Embiid a great modern-day center. However, NBA legend Ha
keem Olajuwon recently took a dig at Embiid for shooting many 3-pointers instead
of dominating in the paint.
這就是Embiid成為一個偉大的現代中鋒的原因。然而,Hakeem Olajuwon最近對Embiid進行
Take Embiid. Olajuwon likes him and has given him advice, but he has questions.
“He’s got all the moves, but leveraging the moves is different. Why would he b
e shooting threes?” Olajuwon asks. “He has the advantage every night, and if I
have the advantage, I’m going to wear you out.”
Embiid擁有內線球員所有的技術動作,但如何利用這些動作是另一個問題。 他為什麼要投
三分? 他每晚都有很大的體型優勢。 如果我面對防守者有這種優勢,我會耗死對方。
But threes? “That’s settling! When I’m tired, I settle. You don’t settle whe
n you’re trying to win. You don’t start the game settling!”
但是三分呢? 只有我累了,我才會這樣打。 如果你想要贏,你不能這麼這樣打。 你不能
The Philadelphia 76ers continued their great form against the Portland Trail Bla
zers. and registered another win this season. Embiid continued his dominance, an
d after the win, the 28-year-old gave a response to Hakeem's recent criticism.
Joel Embiid on his new favorite spot on the floor, the elbow/nail area: "From th
e time that [Doc Rivers] got there, the first thing that he told me was I need t
o figure out where I want the ball. Obviously before it was in the post, but lik
e I mentioned in the past, posting up and posting all game long is easy to doubl
e. It's funny when you've got these old guys always talking about posting up, yo
u need to spend time in the paint and all that stuff. You can't win this way any
more. It's not the fricking 90s or 80s like it used to be. So, they must not hav
e any basketball IQ.
就是,我需要弄清楚我想要的要球位置。 顯然,在以前是在低位。 但是就像我之前提到的
那樣,整場比賽都打低位,你很容易被包夾。 那些老人們總是在談論著低位、說你必須一
直待在油漆區,這真的很搞笑。 你不可能再以這種沒有實質性的方式贏球了。 現在不同於
80、90年代了。 所以,他們肯定沒有任何籃球智商。
But going back to what I was saying, [Doc] told me that I need to find the area
on the floor that I'm most comfortable with. And obviously me and Drew [Hanlen],
we studied a lot. We just started figuring out, 'OK where can I be a better pla
ymaker, and when I can be a better scorer without being easily doubled?' And tha
t was at the nail. So, we started all of our work basically in those areas."