arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2023-02-04 00:08:27NFL球星談GOAT:一場或一個系列賽選MJ,一個賽季選LBJ
At this point in time, Patrick Mahomes is well on his way to reaching GOAT statu
s in the NFL. Even at his young age, the Kansas City Chiefs star is already one
of the most accomplished players of his generation. An MVP, three Super Bowl app
earances, one of them a win. Ahead of the Super Bowl against the Philadelphia Ea
gles, though, Patrick Mahomes was asked about a different GOAT debate: LeBron Ja
mes vs. Michael Jordan for the greatest NBA player ever on First Things First.
此時此刻,Patrick Mahomes正朝著他在NFL的GOAT地位邁進。儘管年紀輕輕,這位堪薩斯酋
次。然而,在超級盃對陣費城老鷹隊之前,Patrick Mahomes被問及另一場關於GOAT的辯論
When asked about the NBA GOAT debate, Patrick Mahomes said he’s picking Michael
Jordan for a single game or series, but if it’s a full season campaign, he’s
going with LeBron James. It’s a bit of a middle-of-the-road take, but hey, that
’s how close this debate is. The Chiefs star knows that there’s no wrong answe
r when picking between these two titans of basketball.
當被問及NBA的GOAT之爭時,Patrick Mahomes表示,如果是一場比賽或是一個系列賽,他會