arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2023-02-20 00:14:24想和誰搭檔奪冠?阿肥:我的朋友77
Nikola Jokic knows who he wants to suit up with to win an NBA championship, and
it's another European superstar.
Nikola Jokic知道他想和誰一起贏得NBA總冠軍,那就是另一位歐洲球星。
The Denver Nuggets center expressed that he would team up with Dallas Mavericks'
Luka Doncic. Speaking to reporters during the media availability ahead of the A
ll-Star break, the two-time MVP said he wanted to play with his "friend."
這位丹佛金塊的中鋒表示,他將與達拉斯獨行俠的Luka Doncic搭檔。在全明星賽前接受媒
When asked who he would like to play with and win an NBA title, Jokic had a cris
p response, and the reply didn't really come as a surprise.
當被問到他想和誰一起打球並贏得 NBA 總冠軍時,Jokic的回答很乾脆,而且這個回答並不
Today at media availability, Nikola Jokic said, if he had to choose a player fro
m another team to win a championship, he’d choose his friend, Luka Doncic and t
he Mavs.
今天在媒體採訪中,Nikola Jokic說,如果他必須從另一支球隊中選擇一名球員來贏得總冠
軍,他會選擇他的朋友Luka Doncic和獨行俠。
Jokic was selected as a starter for the All-Star game which marks his fifth stra
ight selection and third consecutive year being named as an All-Star Starter.
“He is a one-man army. He is the guy who can destroy you, who can really manipu
late the game the right way. There is no good matchup for him. … He is a really
, really unique player, and he is a really good guy.”
東歐肥宅連線 幾冠?