[花邊] 快艇記者對威少的優點看法

作者: mingonly (想要告訴你!)   2023-02-23 00:00:38
Joey Linn
Downside Russell Westbrook has already been well documented at this point: he ca
n't shoot, he's turnover prone, and his decision-making is poor. You don't need
me to tell you that because everybody else already has. So if this is the case,
outside of Paul George advocating for him, why would the Clippers go and get Rus
sell Westbrook?
Well, for starters, his best ability, which is his driving, still has a lot of u
pside. Of all the players in the NBA this season, 51 of them are driving the bas
ketball at least 10 times per game, and amongst all of those players, Westbrook'
s assist percentage on those drives ranked second best in the entire NBA. And th
is is coming on a very bad Lakers team that is 26th in the NBA in three-point sh
ooting. So theoretically, if you plug Westbrook into the Clipper system, a team
that is sixth in the NBA in three-point shooting, these numbers should actually
go up.
Now, right about now, you might be asking me, "Joey, isn't this exactly what Joh
n Wall was supposed to do?" And the answer is yes, but unfortunately, during his
time with the Clippers, John Wall was driving the ball less than Russell Westbr
ook, and he was turning the ball over on a higher percentage of his drives while
assisting on a lower percentage of his drives than Russell Westbrook has done t
his season.
現在,您可能會問我:Joye,這不就是John Wall 應該做的嗎?答案是肯定的,但不幸的是
,在他為快艇效力的這段期間,突破的次數比 Russ少,他在突破時失誤率比 Russ高,而助
And while (Russell) the turnover concerns were legitimate, Westbrook actually tu
rns the ball over on a lower percentage of his drives than Paul George, who ofte
n gets tasked with those responsibilities on this Clippers team. Amongst all pla
yers in the NBA averaging at least 10 drives per game, PG's turnover percentage
on those drives is the worst mark in the entire league. So maybe it's not the wo
rst thing in the world to have somebody else helping him out with those responsi
So when it comes to Russell Westbrook, the potential downside is glaring, but it
's already been well documented. So instead of beating a dead horse, I wanted to
look at one of the ways that he could actually help this Clippers team.
And finally, one thing I don't think has been discussed enough is that Russell W
estbrook is leaving a situation where he knew he was not wanted. Was some of tha
t justified because of his poor play? He knew the front office wanted him trade
d, he knew the fan base wanted him traded. He spoke openly about not wanting to
bring his family to games because of some of the things that fans would say.
Now he's entering a situation where he's wanted, where he has teammates already
openly advocating for him, defending him, and welcoming him with open arms. That
type of stuff matters more than people realize, and I think it's really going t
o help Russ as he gets going with the Clippers.

作者: super1314159 (你有多久沒看台灣團體了?)   2023-02-23 00:03:00
PG的突破護球對抗性是真的差 從雷霆那時候追很有感
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2023-02-23 00:05:00
臭臭的= =天空貝 : 這個城市有很多爛東西,我不理解,我們都不喜歡球隊的氛圍,龜龜離開,我也走了,我不會讓你一個人孤單的。
作者: frankie30432 (雨が降って來たな)   2023-02-23 00:48:00
作者: GordonJordan (戈燈喬燈)   2023-02-23 08:24:00
PG斷腿後切入爆發力就明顯掉了 雷霆時就有感了
作者: alex0203cool (Alex)   2023-02-23 09:12:00
太公道了吧 暖心LA
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2023-02-23 09:20:00
作者: crazydolphin (可口可樂)   2023-02-23 15:58:00

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