※ 引述《p08171110 (Skywalker )》之銘言:
: ESPN Sources: Quin Snyder has reached agreement on a five-year deal — includi
: ng the rest of this season — to become coach of the Atlanta Hawks. Snyder is
: expected to be on sidelines as soon as Tuesday vs. Washington.
: Quin Snyder 和老鷹簽下一份五年合約(包含本季),最快下週二初登場於對上巫師的比
: 賽
: 資料來源:
: https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1629994101884977154?s=46&t=sVYBdpaIIDf4t4OC
: XlaUvQ
其實關於擔心Young跟Snyder和平相處的部分 woj的消息有補充這點
Snyder and All-Star guard Trae Young have both expressed enthusiasm about
working together, and that partnership will go a long way to determining the
success of the franchise. Snyder has a history of constructing strong
relationships with his players while still coaching them hard. After a loss
to the Hawks on Friday, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell profusely
praised Snyder in a private conversation with Young and shared how
instrumental the coach had been in his own development into an All-Star,
sources said.
敗給老鷹的比賽後,Donovan Mitchell跟Young聊天時分享了他對Snyder的讚賞,還有
In recent days, Snyder has been engaged with Hawks general manager Landry
Fields, assistant GM Kyle Korver and owner Tony Ressler on a number of
philosophical, team-building and staff budgetary issues, and Snyder will
enter the organization with a significant voice in player personnel matters,
sources said. Snyder had been pursued in recent months for several jobs,
including by the Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets, and he brings with him
a strong reputation as a program builder.
過去幾天 Snyder也跟球隊總管 副總管 還有老闆一起討論關於如何建隊跟工作人員的預算
There are pronounced chemistry and leadership issues in the Hawks locker
room, and Snyder's arrival is considered a renewed opportunity to solve them
before more dramatic trade scenarios need to be explored.
The Hawks hope the hiring of Snyder goes a long way toward stabilizing an
organization that made changes with its president of basketball operations
Travis Schlenk and McMillan within months in the regular season
老鷹希望找來Snyder可以穩定球隊管理層這幾個月以來Travie Schlenk還有McMillan
這季老鷹真的蠻好笑的 因為實際上管理層的動盪也是他們自己內部的權力鬥爭搞出來的
,就把Schlenk跟他的人給鬥走 洗了一票管理層
然後教練又炒不好菜還跟球員吵架 連在養人上對於Jalen的用法球迷都蠻不爽的
(就是很保守 光這2場換Prunty代班一下 他就願意給Jalen更多機會 整個就不同)
也希望可以讓球員發展更好,球員更上緊發條 最後達成他們想要的攻守前10的目標
(但我認為要攻守前10很難啦 大概看能不能一個前10一個前15-16吧)
然後感謝Mitchell推薦(?) 讓少主覺得OK 剩下就看怎麼跟Snyder配合了