※ 引述《EZ78 (EZ78)》之銘言:
: https://twitter.com/fan590/status/1638230237959041024
: "Since that Fred VanVleet rant... the NBA has actually demoted Ben Taylor in his
: assignments."
: 在Fred VanVleet(價值30K)的抨擊之後,NBA其實降職了被VanVleet批評並指控刻意針對的裁
: 判Ben Taylor
: 所以NBA其實還是有在管理裁判的,只是並不會刻意釋出消息給觀眾知道。
來源:NBA Referee推特
This is categorically false. The schedule for the games referenced was
released weeks in advance. Ben Taylor is a Part Time Crew Chief and
frequently receives Referee assignments throughout the season. His positional
assignments remained unchanged.
那就是個假消息。提到的那些比賽在幾個禮拜前行程就公布了,Ben Taylor是兼職的主