※ 引述《justgetup (Kono Dio Da!)》之銘言:
: https://tinyurl.com/22rkevtn
: "We got a lot of young guys,
: I understand that it's my job to make sure they're even keel.
: One game is not going to define the whole series.
: We have to be better.
: I want everyone to be comfortable when we go on the floor and just play free.
: Let me worry about the X and O and the tactical things and all the other stuff,
: I can do that, I have the ability to do that."
: 我們隊裡有很多年輕球員,
: 我的責任就是告訴他們,一場比賽的結果不會影響系列賽的勝負,
: 我們還能變的更好。
: 我希望上場時所有人打的舒適,打的自在。
: 至於戰術和其他有的沒的XXOO,我來操心就好,我有能力承擔這些。