JJ Redick has intense Ja Morant gun take on ESPN: ‘Didn’t break a law!’
JJ Redick在ESPN節目上表示: Ja Morant 沒有違法
JJ Redick vociferously argued against throwing the book at Ja Morant.
Morant has been suspended from Grizzlies team activities after he again
flashed a gun in an Instagram Live video on Saturday, and Redick’s ESPN
colleague Adrian Wojnarowski has reported a “lengthy suspension” could be
in the offing.
Speaking on “First Take” on Wednesday, Redick said he understood that this
moment was compounded with Morant having been accused of having a violent
incident with a teen in a pickup basketball game, threatening a mall security
guard and the time members of his circle were accused of pointing a red laser
at the Pacers traveling party — but that Morant has not been charged with a
crime in any of those situations.
“I’m not condoning the behavior. I’m not saying there should be no
punishment. There should be consequences. You are the face of the league. You
are representing the NBA. You are a role model to young kids. All of that. I
don’t think [getting suspended for] half the season is the right answer,”
Redick said, responding to Chris “Mad Dog” Russo’s position that Morant
should be suspended for 40 games next season.
Ja Morant 在上週六的Instagram直播中再次展示了一支槍械,因此被暫停參與灰熊隊的
任何活動,ESPN的Adrian Wojnarowski稱,將可能對他進行"長期禁賽"。
在周三的"First Take"節目中發言時,JJ Redick表示,他理解這一刻的嚴重性,Morant
友被指控涉嫌在溜馬灰熊賽後用槍威脅員工,但在這些情況下Ja Morant 並未被指控有犯
節目來賓Chris Russo認為Morant 應該在下個賽季被停賽40場比賽。
JJ Redick回應: 我並不是在容忍這種行為。我不是說應該沒有懲罰。應該有後果。你是
Redick pivoted to talking about Republican government officials who flaunt
and/or promote firearms in their political messaging.
“In our country right now, gun culture is pervasive. We’ve got mass
shooting after mass shooting and nobody’s doing a damn thing about it, so I
get why everyone is sensitive right now,” Redick said.
“But there’s no consequence for this for [Texas Gov.] Greg Abbott telling
his constituents that they should go buy more guns, and then we have mass
shooting after mass shooting in Texas. There’s no consequence for an elected
Tennessee official to send out a Christmas card holding AR-15’s with his
young family, and then there’s a shooting in his very district.
“There’s no consequences to that, so why are we trying to lay down the
hammer on a 23-year-old who didn’t break a law!? Explain that to me!”
Redick: 現在在我們的國家中,槍支文化普遍存在。我們一次又一次發生大規模槍擊事件
"[德州州長]Greg Abbott 告訴他的民眾,他們應該購買更多的槍支,但在德州接連發生
NBA commissioner Adam Silver addressed the matter in an interview with ESPN’
s Malika Andrews during the Draft Lottery on Tuesday night.
“Honestly, I was shocked when I saw, this weekend, that video,” Silver
said. “We’re in the process of investigating it and we’ll figure out
exactly what happened as best as we can. The video’s a bit grainy and all
that, but I’m assuming the worst. We’ll figure out exactly what happened
Morant vowed to “take accountability” for his actions in a Tuesday
statement to ESPN.
NBA總裁 Adam Silver 在週二晚上的選秀樂透活動期間接受ESPN的Malika Andrews 採訪
Adam Silver:
Morant 在周二向ESPN發表聲明,發誓對自己的行為"承擔責任"。
作者: bmwnyy870915 (美麗的十一點到了) 2023-05-18 07:35:00
其實JJ批評共和黨政客的部分有理 但我感覺他的言論可能也會害他的教練機會先飛掉了XD只能說這就是跟SAS與Perk泡太久的後遺症XD
#FreeJa 我要看到把嘎囧一直亮槍 Gang起來
作者: Predrag26671 (這個人非常懶) 2023-05-18 08:07:00
可以理解他想表達只許州官放火的亂象啦但推導下來的結論是沒有違法不該被重罰就很瞎政治人物亂放話又沒有上級單位可以給予制裁只要基礎選民夠 他就依然能選上但NBA又管不到這些議員政客 拿來救援Ja是在抽換概念而且他是不是忘記了一個重點 Ja是超白目的累犯耶第一次的"重罰"6+2場還不夠寬容嗎
他的觀點也沒有問題 只是身在江湖有時候就是要照規矩來
我同意他對共和黨政客對槍管無作為的無奈,但就是因為如此NBA就要更自律啊也難怪先前Ja只禁賽8場會被當作笑話我倒是同意昨天Mad Dog的看法:Ja 至少該禁半季
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-05-18 08:33:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-05-18 08:50:00
作者: susteven1991 (stevie) 2023-05-18 08:59:00