消息來源:Marc Stein 內容: There was only limited discussion today about the future of the All-Star Game at the latest Competition Committee meeting but Commissioner Adam Silver told the @dpshow that the NBA is open to at least considering a USA vs. World format. 翻譯: 在今天最新的CC(Competition Committee)會議上,對全明星賽的未來進行了有限的討論,但阿銀告訴 DP Show,NBA 至少願意考慮美國隊對世界隊的賽制。 網址: https://twitter.com/TheSteinLine/status/1666967814291292160 短評或心得: 阿銀不是才說不要搶冠軍賽的焦點嗎? 怎一天到晚在引關注