laptic (無明)
2023-06-16 23:07:49※ 引述《willy911006 (小溫)》之銘言:
: BREAKING: Michael Jordan is finalizing a sale of the Charlotte Hornets to a gr
: oup led by Gabe Plotkin and Rick Schnall, ending his 13-year run as majority o
: wner, league sources told ESPN on Friday.
: 籃球之神/黃蜂老闆Michael Jordan把球隊賣給了Gabe Plotkin and Rick Schnall組成的
: 團隊,結束13年的經營。
推 mhkt : Gabe Plotkin and Rick Schnall 我比較好奇他們的 06/16 22:04
→ mhkt : 來歷欸 0.006/16 22:04
原標題:Who Are the New Owners of the Charlotte Hornets?
作者:James Plowright
Gabe Plotkin
Plotkin is a hedge fund manager, investor, and former Chief Investment
Officer of Melvin Capital. If you recognize the name, it’s likely because
Plotkin and Melvin Capital were at the center of the Gamestop/Robinhood
controversy, resulting in Melvin Capital being wound up. How the disgraced
Plotkin who Reddit has named an "Economic Terrorist" has the financial power
and respectability to become the figurehead of an NBA ownership group is
certainly a question, but one I don’t have an answer to.
Plotkin 是一位避險基金的經理、投資家,曾擔任梅爾文資本(投資管理公司)首席投資
件的暴風漩渦之中,結果導致梅爾文資本倒閉。在 Reddit 上被稱作「經濟恐怖分子」的
Richard Schnall
Compared to his partner, Schnall is Mr. Boring. He’s a partner at Clayton,
Dubilier & Rice and leads their financial services and technology team.
Schnall is currently a minority owner with the Atlanta Hawks, he’s a Harvard
graduate who resides in New York City and ticks all the boxes of your classic
rich investor. Other than being super wealthy and clearly having an interest
in NBA ownership, there’s little else known about Schnall.
相較於他的夥伴,Schnall 只是一位平凡人。他是克萊頓・杜比利爾與萊斯公司的營運夥