by Jason Quick
“Very successful draft,” Cronin said.
As much as Cronin used superlatives to describe his picks, he delivered them
with a decidedly hollow and flat tone.
It doesn’t mean he doesn’t believe what he said — he knows he put some
talent into the barn — he just knows the Trail Blazers’ world revolves
around Lillard. And that world — from Lillard to the fans — wanted something
more than Cronin delivered Thursday. They wanted something bigger, something
more immediate, something that would live up to Cronin’s boast in April that
he was itching to “go all in” with his chips.
作者: FncRookie001 2023-06-24 00:47:00
選SH是絕對沒錯啦 但他跟小李就是要走一個比較好總管這樣講也很靠北 就是吃定忠誠招牌陪玩未來時間線小李也該直接吹了 都這麼老了其實沒人會怪他阿拓總管:我聽到你想贏了 但你很忠誠啊
作者: Predrag26671 (這個人非常懶) 2023-06-24 08:47:00
很常躺? 要不要打開數據先看清楚再來鬼扯除了去年因為背傷只打了29場 幾乎都出席率超高好嗎還是今年球隊想坦順勢讓他關機也要算他的鍋?到底是小李演好幾年 還是球團演他好幾年