Already one of sports’ busiest executives, Monumental Sports & Entertainment ch
airman Ted Leonsis is now asking big questions about the future of the 25-year-o
ld Capital One Arena.
Monumental has held exploratory talks with Virginia government officials about m
oving the Washington Wizards and Capitals to Northern Virginia, according to the
Washington Post. It’s also conducting parallel talks with D.C. leaders about p
otential improvements to Capital One Arena.
巫師隊老闆Ted Leonsis最近跑去和維吉尼亞州政府討論
但同時也持續和華盛頓討論翻新現有主場Capital One Arena
Capital One Arena目前已啟用25年
The building — owned by Monumental but operating with a ground lease on city-ow
ned land — is now one of the oldest in both the NHL and NBA and falling behind
in new revenue despite renovation projects in 2007 and 2019, as well as nearly $
125 million in total MSE arena investment since 2010. Leonsis could exit the gro
und lease as soon as 2027.
Capital One Arena本身是巫師老闆持有的
After bringing in Qatari investment, rebranding his company’s regional sports n
etwork, playing an active role in the NBA trade market, and possibly relaunching
efforts to buy the Washington Nationals, the owner of the Wizards, Capitals, an
d Mystics is evaluating venue options on both sides of the Potomac River.
巫師老闆的體育事業蠻忙的(Monumental Sports & Entertainment)
2.買下地方體育台NBC Sports Washington(持有NBA巫師、NHL首都轉播權)