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2023-07-19 10:20:50消息來源:(網址或出處)
Report on Anthony Davis' extension with the Lakers
作者:Erikas Polockas
在「The Lowe Post」Podcast 節目上,ESPN 記者 Dave McMenamin 說:
"Anthony Davis in Rob [Pelinka’s] estimation is someone that has represented
the Lakers really well, citing how he played through his foot injury last
year as a major reason why they won a championship in 2020 and he wants to
continue to have Anthony Davis as a Laker... I am not too concerned about how
this thing plays out, whether it’s the max amount of years or max amount of
dollars are reached, that remains to be seen and that will be figured out
between Rich Paul and Rob Pelinka and Jeanie Buss."
「對於Rob Pelinka 來說,Anthony Davis 在湖人隊的表現非常出色,並以他在去年克服
Rob Pelinka、富保羅和 Jeanie Buss 這三人之間需要去解決的。」
"But where things stand right now, I expect some sort of an agreement to be
reached. A lot of it is one, recognizing that Anthony Davis as a trade chip,
there’s no way to replicate the value of what he brings to the court
combined with LeBron James when he’s healthy, you just won’t. It’s
absolutely impossible."
「但從目前我得到的消息來看,達成一定的協議是可預期的。這其中主要是因為,當 An-
thony Davis 和 LeBron James 在場上聯手時,他們的能力和價值是無法被複製的。因
此,你絕對不會想要把 Anthony Davis 交易出去。」
"You also recognize that LeBron turning 39 years old and entering Year 21 has
a limited window, so then to try to coalesce with a new group if you were to
find this beautiful trade for Anthony Davis, that’s follied, you could be
wasting what’s left of LeBron and then beyond that, listen, we know the
business of this league. If there’s no extension offered, what do you do?
You apply pressure the other way and say I want out. So I’m fairly confident
that Anthony Davis will come into training camp with an extended deal."
「此外,考慮到LBJ年齡將達三十九歲、在NBA 的生涯也要進入第二十一年,嘗試去交
上賽季例行賽期間,Anthony Davis 場均得到近二十六分;季後賽期間則可達二十二分。