pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2023-08-25 10:53:51來源:FadeAwayWorld
NBA fans have made fun of LeBron James for years for being too involved in
personnel decisions with the franchises he is a part of. And now NBA legend
John Stockton has given his two cents on the matter as well.
傳奇人物John Stockton對於這檔事也給了一些他的意見。
“I don’t know what it’s like to sit in that front office and have things
dictating to you like a plan, and it appears LeBron is," Stockton said on the
DNP-CD podcast.
在DNP-CD Podcast節目上,Stockton說:
"I don’t know for sure that he is, but it’d be maddening as a teammate to
know that you can be expendable for one of his guys that he thinks he needs
to play with. The iffiness it causes with the team, the iffiness that it
causes upstairs."