[花邊] 庫班:當年想盡辦法向上交易來Haliburton

作者: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2023-09-01 01:55:14
Mark Cuban: “We did everything we could to trade up for Tyrese Haliburton…
Rick [Carlisle] was our coach at the time. He goes to Indiana, what’s the
first deal he does?”
Pat Beverley: “Him and Luka together would’ve been different!”
(via @PatBevPod)
想向上交易Tyrese Haliburton但沒成功
後來Rick Carlisle去溜馬隊當教練
第一件事情就是交易Tyrese Haliburton來溜馬
Mark Cuban says running a zone attributed to beating Miami in 2011 NBA Finals.
“Throw a zone against LeBron. All you have to do is get him to hesitate. He
always wants to make the right basketball play. When you’re facing a zone
and you have to read what they’re doing. That slowed him down, that gave us
an edge.”
庫班表示,2011 年 NBA 總決賽中擊敗邁阿密熱火隊,歸功於區域防守
“對LeBron進行區域聯防。 讓他猶豫思考一下,因為他總是想打出正確的球。 當你面對
一個區域時,你必須閱讀他們在做什麼。 這減慢了他的速度,這帶給了我們優勢。”
Patrick Beverley: When it comes to the NBA, everybody has vices. Does that
factor in how much [money] you give someone?”
Mark Cuban: “100%, because it’s a team. No lie, I’ve traded guys because
they smoke too much.”
(via @PatBevPod)
天空貝: 每個人都有一些陋習,這會影響到你給他們的薪水嗎?
庫班表示: 100%,因為這是關於一個團隊。

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