前面一篇有提到 Lillard說如果沒辦法去到熱火,他寧願撤回交易申請並回到拓荒者。 Cronin對他說:他不可能回來了。 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1707548174926446803 "The goal's always to have Dame as a Trail Blazer. It always was and always will be... We're very open-minded to anytime Dame wants to be a part of us." - Joe Cronin at Summer League. Someone is not telling the truth here lol 記者Tomer Azarly挖出兩個月前 拓荒者GM Joe Cronin在夏季聯賽受訪影片 Cronin: 目標是希望小李能繼續待在拓荒者, 讓小李在拓荒者退休, 我們對於小李隨時想回拓荒者,保持著開放的態度。