來源:Burn City Sports 網址:https://reurl.cc/galo3V Kevin Durant Takes Accountability For Phoenix Suns Last-Second 115-114 Loss to San Antonio Spurs KD擔起太陽115-114輸球的責任 Kevin Durant had a pretty good game for the Phoenix Suns tonight scoring 26 points and carrying the Suns to a 63-45 halftime lead. 在今天的太陽馬刺戰,KD打得很好,拿下26分,在中場的時候以63-45領先。 However, in the fourth quarter things really started to go downhill. It all came to a crash when Durant was stripped with five seconds left and the Spurs ’ Keldon Johnson laid it up with less than two seconds remaining to give the Spurs a 115-114. 不過在第四節時,一切開始走下波,最後在比賽剩五秒鐘的時候KD球被抄走,馬刺Keldon Johnson上籃得分,比數115-114,比賽剩不到2秒。 Durant missed a last-second shot and the Spurs walked away with the victory. 最後一擊KD沒進,馬刺獲勝。 KD受訪影片:https://streamable.com/mziho6 "I mean I still gotta hold onto the ball— it's a shitty loss... should've held onto it." 「我的意思是,我仍然應該抓住球的