LABOYS (洛城浪子)
2023-12-08 12:35:33https://twitter.com/3cbPerformance/status/1732976874719228115
"The guy is getting better. That's scary."
"In sports, by the time you get older and have the wisdom, you don’t have the
physicality & health anymore….and then there’s LeBron mfin James. "
- Doc Rivers on LeBron James
你就會不再保有上乘的運動能力和健康......然後出現了_____的 LeBron James。"
作者: dylancdylanc (davidq) 2023-12-08 12:57:00
LBJ再戰10年... 搞不好 200* 世代都退了 他還在...高效打法 數據照樣累積... 恐怖LBJ可能要挑戰NBA最老退役紀錄了...