Q4 01:33.0 Foul: Offensive Scottie Barnes Austin Reaves INC
Barnes (TOR) moves into Reaves' (LAL) path without establishing himself in a
screening position and delivers illegal contact that affects his ability to
Barnes對Reaves掩護時犯規 應判進攻犯規 但沒吹 為誤判 暴龍得利 (有影片看)
Q4 01:18.7 Foul: Personal RJ Barrett Anthony Davis INC
Barrett (TOR) initiates illegal contact with Davis's (LAL) right wrist and
causes him to lose control of the ball.
Barrett抓了AD的手 才導致AD掉球 應為防守犯規 但沒吹 為誤判 暴龍得利 (有影片看)
結果誤判都是暴龍得利 動手動腳都不吹