※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言:
: Carmelo Anthony: Nuggets Gave Nikola Jokic No. 15 Jersey to 'Try to Erase What
: I Did'
: https://reurl.cc/97VzQO
: During an appearance on 7PM in Brooklyn, presented by Wave Sports + Entertainm
: ent, Anthony called giving Jokic the same jersey number he wore in Denver "a p
: etty maneuver. It wasn't like, 'oh, we got numbers to choose from.' It was lik
: e, 'here, you got 15.'
: 瓜哥近日受訪表示,金塊把15號給小丑,是別有用心的小動作:這並不是嗨我們這有號碼
: 可以選,就像是你來穿15號。
: He continued, saying, "Y'all put Jokic in the middle of that. He don't know wh
: at the f