Duane Rankin 補Clutchpoint畫面
Beal 讓 Austin跳舞
記者:I know that took 10 threes and made 8, that's the stat number but as
far as he actually played What was it out to you the most?
紀錄顯示 Beal的三分10投8中,但你怎麼看他場上的表現,最印象深刻的是什麼?
KD: Yeah, I mean, he got to whatever he wanted. He was a screener got to play
in the pocket and was able to knock down catching shoots off the dribble. And
the mid range of the dribble from the three catching shoot three limit. So he
had his whole bag open tonight. And when he's unpredictable and his attack is
just makes the game easier for everybody else.
記者:When you finish a game like this, do you go back and wonder if you're
like this is sustainable. This is who we are. We can do this.
KD: But yeah, I mean, when you put some good stuff on film, you try to the
hardest part about doing that in NBA is being consistent as a basketball
player. So yeah, yeah, we see that stuff on film and we wanna try that, try
to emulate that as much as possible, but it's easier said than done. But it's
good to put that stuff on film so we can understand what's our best and what
it looks like.
記者: Hey Kevin, speaking of Brad's bag of tricks, he was in and out dribble
to get four straight lefty in and outs. I saw you in particular went pretty
nuts on the bench. What was it about that move that excited you so much?
Brad 連續4次左手內外運球。你在板凳上超興奮的,為何這招讓你這麼激動?
KD: Well, yeah, Austin dancing. Yeah, Austin laying back a little bit off
balance and that's always exciting. I'm just, it's probably one of the best
players in the world. So to get an opportunity to see it from that close up
and see a guy work every day and see who he truly is as a player. And then
you come out there and get moments like that is always fun. You know what I
mean? I enjoy seeing my teammates cook like that. And we'll need more of that
from, cuz they're nice to bench, they're nice to crowd, even if we on the
road. You see people excited about that move. So it's only good for us when
he's aggressive like that.
爽啊,Austin跳舞了,Austin有點失去平衡,真的很讓人興奮。我覺得 Beal可能是世界上
你看到大家也對那招感到興奮,所以當 Brad積極進攻時,對球隊是件好事。