laptic (無明)
2024-02-21 10:53:41消息來源:https://twitter.com/HoustonRockets/status/1760020147660521816
The Fertitta Family and the Houston Rockets are deeply saddened by the
passing of former player, Robert Reid, whose contributions were instrumental
in guiding the Houston Rockets to their first two NBA Finals appearances in
1980-81 and 1985-86.
As a valued member of the Rockets family, Robert will be greatly missed. Our
heartfelt condolences and sympathies are extended to his wife Diana, his
children Robert Jr., Keva, Crystal, Jana, and all those who cherished him.
From @TilmanJFertitta
"It is with great sorrow that my family and I received the news of the
passing of Rockets legend, Robert Reid. I have had the privilege of knowing
Robert for over 40 years, and his presence always brought joy and positivity
to any room he entered."
"I will never forget watching the Rockets teams he was a part of in the 80s
compete in the Finals and the love he had for the game."
"My heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, Diana, and all those who held
him dear. Robert's absence will be deeply felt, and he will be fondly
火箭隊官方在當地時間星期二確認,曾經率隊頭兩次分別於 1980-81 賽季及 1985-86 賽
季闖進總冠軍賽(但最終敗給青賽)的退役球員 Robert Reid,因不敵癌症而去世,享年
該隊老闆 Tilman Fertitta 在聲明中說:
「我們對火箭隊傳奇球員 Robert Reid 的去世感到非常悲痛。我有幸能認識他超過四十
的火箭隊,以及他當時對比賽的樂在其中。謹此向他的遺孀 Diana、及他摯愛的每一位