XXXaBg (對的事情做一千次)
2024-04-12 14:11:27https://reurl.cc/bV641l
Draymond confident Warriors would beat Lakers in a play-in game
Tristi Rodriguez
There remains a lot of unknown for the No. 6 through No. 10 seeds in the Weste
rn Conference as teams fight for their playoff lives with three games remainin
g in the 2023-24 regular season.
But there is one thing Draymond Green is sure about, and it's that his Warrior
s would defeat LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers if the teams meet in th
e NBA Play-In Tournament.
但有一件事 Draymond Green 確信無疑,那就是如果他的勇士在 NBA 季後賽資格賽中遇
到 LeBron James 領銜的湖人,他們將會獲勝。
"We've beaten the Lakers the last couple of times," Green said on Wednesday's
"The Draymond Green Show" episode. "The Lakers are always a tough matchup, hav
ing [Anthony Davis] on the court always makes a difference. I am very confiden
t if we played them in a play-in situation that we could win
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